Currently, I'll have cheerios or oatmeal for breakfast along with grapes. My morning snack consists of yougurt. For lunch, I'll either bring leftovers or have a lean cuisine frozen meal with an apple, and a Weight Watchers snack cake. My late afternoon snack will be another fruit. Then I'll have some baked fish, chicken, or some other meat for dinner. Over the course of the day I'm constantly drinking water. Therefore, I think I can make the changes needed to eat Simple till Six.

I think I'll have the most trouble with giving up coffee. I heart coffee. I drink at least one cup every morning, sometimes two. I don't think I can give coffee up cold turkey. I think I'll have to wean myself off it over the next few weeks. I recognize the challenge I have with that.
Overall, I really think I can do this. I sent a link of the article to my sister-in-law telling her that I was going to give it a try. She said that I would probably be successful because I am very disciplined. I'm hoping that discipline will help me with my coffee addiction. I'll keep this space posted.
I heart coffee too... and I'm trying to "give it up" after reading Skinny Bitch. Today is day two of no coffee. Yesterday I got a bad headache, which I have to wonder was due to not having the caffeine. I'm substituting caffeine-free tea... lots of it, LOL... for the moment. Still wasn't the same to grab my travel mug of steaming tea for the commute... I miss my coffee. Hopefully, it'll get better! :)
Well, I didn't do too good today. I figure I need to take it one day (and thing) at a time. I shouldn't beat myself up for not achieving that one thing and in due time I'll do okay.
The headache is what I am not looking forward to! I'm sure I'll have a big one when I finally don't have a cup one day. I'm not a big fan of tea, but I may have to give it a try...
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