Not too bad considering I didn't log any miles during the month of June (did a lot of traveling that month including Europe! much fun). July was also pretty sparse along with December. I logged the least amount of miles in December although I did get a lot of exercise in due to cardio blitz.
I took an account of where I was for 2010 back in September. Although not stated there, I really wanted to surpass my 2009 mileage (239.17) by 100 miles. I didn't quite make it (8.2 miles off), but that's okay. I'm not going to belittle what I did accomplish. I did a lot for a person that didn't start running for exercise until my mid-30s, and then I only did so halfheartedly. It was only until 2009 that I really started keeping track and pushing myself. I'm really proud of what I've accomplished and I look to continue the effort in 2011.
The majority of the mileage I logged in 2010 was training mileage either. I did participate in 2-10Ks and several 5Ks, but I didn't really train for them. I just did them because I knew I could due to my running consistently.
For 2011 I've already signed up for 2-10K events (February and April). I'm sure I'll sprinkle in some 5Ks in there as well. Not sure if I'm going to train for them or just have fun with the event. Only time will tell. I'm enjoying the adventure of running and I don't want to make it seem to tedious by forcing myself into an uncomfortable position. I want it to be fun! When it ceases to be fun, I'll resent the exercise and not want to do it. Therefore, I'm just going to go with the flow.
Happy running!
I think you did outstanding in 2010. I also like what you said about considering having fun with your events in 2011. :-)
Thanks Lori!
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