Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Tipping Point

Mary, over at A Merry Life, posted today about her Tipping Point for getting healthy. I commented that my Tipping Point occurred in 2002. During the fall of 2002, I was starting my first year of grad school at UGA. That part of GA is a bit hilly and my parking area was at the base of hill, and the building I needed to be in was at the top of that hill. It wasn't a big hill, but there was an incline. By the time I got to the top, I was winded. There was a red light and I was really glad when the light was red. It allowed me to catch my breath.

Taken in 2002

I didn't quite get it together that fall. Though I started to exercise, I didn't change my eating habits. I was of the mindset that if I'm exercising, I could still eat whatever. Well, this image from 2003 will tell you that not much changed:

Nor in 2004:

This image, from 2005, was the one that put me over the edge. It was taken on the beach in Hilton Head, SC. It was on that trip that I rode a bike for the first time in years. I really liked it, but again, it was hard! That was it. A change was needed.

Upon returning to Athens, I made a change. I really committed to working out and eating healthy. I worked with a personal trainer at the rec center on campus, I joined Weight Watchers, and I tracked everything I ate. It paid off! I lost 60 pounds and transformed myself!

Taken in 2006:

Monday, May 10, 2010

13.3 miles

That's how many miles I've logged thus far since May 1st. Not too bad considering I only achieved 16 miles in the entire month of April. Of course, that was due to injury. I'm determined to be go beyond those 16 miles this month, and I'm well on my way! Yippee!

Last Monday I was fitted for orthotic inserts. I'll pick them on Wednesday of this week. Next week I hope to add in some jogging to my walks.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Do you

I'm of the mindset that one should figure out what works for you and do just that!

Yes, there are many guides out there about weight loss, living a healthy lifestyle, and this that & the other. However, one person's panacea is another's worst nightmare. Therefore, find what works and stick to it.

Last week I was listening to a radio show where the guest was talking about how she lost 146 lbs in her year to renewal. One of the tips she gave was to eat every 2 hours and drink water. Water, she stated, not water w/ Crystal Light added to it. <--Those are the kinds of things I'm talking about when I say that's not everyone's panacea.

If someone needs Crystal Light added to the water, so be it! That's what that person needs and only that person knows what works for them.

When I'm asked what my "diet" is the first thing I state is that "I'm not on a diet." (I don't like that word). I'll then tell them what works for me, stressing that what I'm stating is for me. I encourage them to explore and determine what works for them. To me, the key is finding a comfortable plan that one can maintain.

Yes, I lost the majority of the weight following Weight Watchers. It worked for me because I had a variety of foods to select from, basically what I was already eating. I just changed how I was eating. I found out what would work for me.

The key to me is doing you.